Name variants

August II König

August II König von Polen

August II von Polen

Friedrich August I König

Friedrich August I König von Polen

Friedrich August I von Polen

August II King

August II King of Poland

August II of Poland

August II of Saxony

August II Saxe

August II Saxony

Augusto II King

Augusto II King of Poland

Augusto II of Poland

Augusto II of Saxony

Augusto II Saxe

Augusto II Saxony

Augustus II King

Augustus II King of Poland

Augustus II of Poland

Augustus II of Saxony

Augustus II Saxe

Augustus II Saxony

Frederick August I King

Frederick August I King of Poland

Frederick August I of Poland

Frederick August I of Saxony

Frederick August I Saxe

Frederick August I Saxony

Frederick Augusto I King

Frederick Augusto I King of Poland

Frederick Augusto I of Poland

Frederick Augusto I of Saxony

Frederick Augusto I Saxe

Frederick Augusto I Saxony

Frederick Augustus I King

Frederick Augustus I King of Poland

Frederick Augustus I of Poland

Frederick Augustus I of Saxony

Frederick Augustus I Saxe

Frederick Augustus I Saxony

Friedrich August I King

Friedrich August I King of Poland

Friedrich August I of Poland

Friedrich August I of Saxony

Friedrich August I Saxe

Friedrich August I Saxony

Friedrich Augusto I King

Friedrich Augusto I King of Poland

Friedrich Augusto I of Poland

Friedrich Augusto I of Saxony

Friedrich Augusto I Saxe

Friedrich Augusto I Saxony

Friedrich Augustus I King

Friedrich Augustus I King of Poland

Friedrich Augustus I of Poland

Friedrich Augustus I of Saxony

Friedrich Augustus I Saxe

Friedrich Augustus I Saxony

August II Saska

August II Saski

Fryderyk August I Król

Fryderyk August I Król Polski

Fryderyk August I Polski

Fryderyk August I Sachsen

Fryderyk August I Saska

Fryderyk August I Saski

August II Król

August II Król Polski

August II Polski

August II Sachsen

August II von Sachsen

Friedrich August I Król

Friedrich August I Król Polski

Friedrich August I Polski

Friedrich August I Sachsen

Friedrich August I von Sachsen