Name variants

Theodoric I Rei

Theodoric I Rei de el Riparian Franks

Theodoric Rei

Theodoric Rei de el Riparian Franks

Theodoric I Rey

Theodoric I Rey de el Riparian Franks

Theodoric Rey

Theodoric Rey de el Riparian Franks

Théodoric Francs

Théodoric Ier Francs

Théodoric Ier Riparian

Théodoric Ier Roi

Théodoric Ier Roi de le Riparian Francs

Théodoric Riparian

Théodoric Roi

Théodoric Roi de le Riparian Francs

Thierry Francs

Thierry Ier Francs

Thierry Ier Riparian

Thierry Ier Roi

Thierry Ier Roi de le Riparian Francs

Thierry Riparian

Thierry Roi

Thierry Roi de le Riparian Francs

Theodoric Franks

Theodoric I Franks

Theodoric I King

Theodoric I King of the Riparian Franks

Theodoric I Riparian

Theodoric King

Theodoric King of the Riparian Franks

Theodoric Riparian
Roughly guessed date 401

Toledo, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
20 June 451

Grand Est, France