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Ulfur Hreidarson (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Ulfur Hreidarson () 
Gunnbjorn Ulfson ()   Child
Gunnsteinn Gunnbjornsson ()  is  Child
Þóra Gunnsteinsdóttir (860-)  is  Child
Olaf Jafnakollur (860-)   Partner
Auður Ólafsdóttir (910-)  is  Child
Hoegni Geirþjófsson (910-)  is  Partner
Atli Hoegnason (945-1000)  is  Child
Þuríður Þorleifsdóttir (945-1000)  is  Partner
Hoeskuldur Atlason (980-1015)  is  Child
Audgur Olafsdottir ()   Partner
Atli Hoeskuldsson (1015-1075)  is  Child
Salgerður Steinólfsdóttir (1010-1051)   Partner