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Anders Laurensson Lillie (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Anders Laurensson Lillie () 
Canute Lillie (1350-1400)  se  Child
Margaret Djaekn (1350-1400)  se  Partner
Metta Lillie (1381-1450)  se  Child
Arend Styke (1370-1417)  se  Partner
Birgitta Arendsdotter Styke (1394-1446)  se  Child
Bengt Gotskalksson Ulv (1390-1441)   Partner
Birgitta Arendsdotter Styke (1394-1446)  se  Child
Bengt Gotskalksson Ulv (-1441)   Partner