Name variants

Godfrey Calw

Godfrey Calw-Loewenstein

Godfrey III Calw

Godfrey III Calw-Loewenstein

Godfrey III Loewenstein

Godfrey III of Calw

Godfrey III of Calw-Loewenstein

Godfrey III of Loewenstein

Godfrey Loewenstein

Godfrey of Calw

Godfrey of Calw-Loewenstein

Godfrey of Loewenstein

Gottfried III of Calw

Gottfried III of Calw-Loewenstein

Gottfried III of Loewenstein

Gottfried of Calw

Gottfried of Calw-Loewenstein

Gottfried of Loewenstein

Gottfried Calw

Gottfried Calw-Loewenstein

Gottfried III Calw

Gottfried III Calw-Loewenstein

Gottfried III Loewenstein

Gottfried III von Calw

Gottfried III von Calw-Loewenstein

Gottfried III von Loewenstein

Gottfried Loewenstein

Gottfried von Calw

Gottfried von Calw-Loewenstein

Gottfried von Loewenstein