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Aleksey of Russia (1850-1908): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Aleksey of Russia (1850-1908)  ru fr
Alexandra Zhukovskaya (1842-1899)  de  Partner
Aleksey Belevsky-Zhukovsky (1871-1931)  at ge  Child
Maria Trubetskaya (1872-1954)   Partner
Elizabeth Belevskaya (1896-1975)   Child
Pyotr Perevozchikov (1872-1937)   Partner
Elizabeth Belevskaya (1896-1975)   Child
Arthur Vinsent Lure (1892-1966)   Partner
Alexandra Belevskaya (1899-)   Child
Genrikh de Lepp (1897-1956)   Partner
Aleksey Belevsky-Zhukovsky (1871-1931)  at ge  Child
Natalya of Shepping (1888-1965)   Partner