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Herrand I of Trauttmansdorff (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Herrand I of Trauttmansdorff () 
Herrand II of Trauttmansdorff ()   Child
Nikolaus I of Trauttmansdorff ()   Child
Catherine of Reisperg ()   Partner
Udalrich I of Trauttmansdorff ()   Child
Catherine of Altenburg ()   Partner
Herrand III of Trauttmansdorff (-1467)   Child
Catherine of Kirchberg ()   Partner
John of Trauttmansdorff (-1493)   Child
Dorothea of Reisberg ()   Partner
David of Trauttmansdorff (1480-1545)   Child
Amalie of Lapitz (1520-)   Partner
John Friedrich of Trauttmansdorff (1540-1614)   Child
Eva of Trauttmansdorff (1550-)   Partner
David of Trauttmansdorff (1480-1545)   Child
Barbara Zenger ()   Partner
Sidonia of Trauttmansdorff ()   Child
Ulrich Lapitz ()   Partner
Andreas I of Trauttmansdorff (-1466)   Child
Apollonia of Elrechingen ()   Partner
Wolfgang of Trauttmansdorff (-1499)   Child
Ehrentraud of Haunsperg ()   Partner
Sebastian of Trauttmansdorff (-1519)   Child
Margaret Judenhofer ()   Partner
Medard of Trauttmansdorff-Freienthurn-Ca... (1515-)   Child
Anna of Lindegg (1520-)   Partner