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Waldrada of Bavaria (535-572): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Waldrada of Bavaria (535-572)  it fr
Clothaire I King of the Soissons and the... (497-561)  fr  Partner
Waldrada of Bavaria (535-572)  it fr
Garibald I the Bajuwaren (530-590)  de  Partner
Romilda of Friaul (567-611)  de it  Child
Gisulph II of Friuli (554-611)  it  Partner
Appa of Friuli (588-675)  it  Child
Lothair II of Alemania (605-655)  fr  Partner
Gertrude of Bavaria ()  fr de  Child
Carloman de Landen (570-645)  be de fr  Partner
Pepin I de Landen (-640)  be fr  Child
Itta of Metz (-652)  fr be  Partner