Name variants

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray von Mowbray

Roger von Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray FitzRoger

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray FitzRoger de Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray FitzRoger of Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray of Mowbray

Roger FitzRoger

Roger FitzRoger de Mowbray

Roger FitzRoger of Mowbray

Roger of Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray MacRoger

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray MacRoger de Mowbray

Roger MacRoger

Roger MacRoger de Mowbray

Rogier 1st Baron Mowbray Mowbray

Rogier 1st Baron Mowbray van Mowbray

Rogier Mowbray

Rogier van Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray ap Roger

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray ap Roger de Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray de Mowbray

Roger 1st Baron Mowbray Mowbray

Roger ap Roger

Roger ap Roger de Mowbray

Roger de Mowbray

Roger Mowbray
Roughly guessed date 1254
21 November 1297

Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium