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Suibne mac Cináeda (970-1034): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Suibne mac Cináeda (970-1034)  _Scotland
ingen Suibne (1012-)  _Scotland ie  Child
Aedh mac Flaithbertach Ó Néill (955-1033)  ie  Partner
Aedh Anradhan ()  ie  Child
Niall Ó Néill ()  ie  Child
Aedh MacNeil ()  ie  Child
Radulphus Dunsleve (1250-)  _Scotland ie  Child
MacGilchrist ()   Partner
John MacGilchrist (1305-)  _Scotland ie  Child
Gilbert MacGilchrist (1330-)  _Scotland  Child