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Guthroth Halfdansson (738-810): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Guthroth Halfdansson (738-810)  no
Olaf Guðroeðarson (740-840)  no  Child
Helgi Olafsson (770-819)  ie no  Child
Thora Sigurdsdottir (790-842)  dk no  Partner
Ingjald the White (820-842)  ie  Child
Olaf King of Dublin (830-871)  ie no  Child
Aud the Deep-Minded (830-900)  no is  Partner
Thorstein the Red (855-888)  ie is  Child
Þuríður Eyvindardóttur (847-878)  no _Scotland is  Partner
Gróa Þorsteinsdóttir (873-914)  _Scotland is  Child
Duncan of Caithness (871-910)  _Scotland  Partner
Grelod Duncansdatter (898-941)  _Scotland  Child
Thorfinn of Orkney (890-976)  _Scotland  Partner