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Katharia of Bulow (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Katharia of Bulow () 
John Gottfried Bulow (1839-)  de  Partner
Victoria of Bulow (1880-1961)   Child
John of Lessel (1873-1936)   Partner
Monika of Bulow (1881-1967)   Child
Robert Huesmann (1878-1931)   Partner
Gottfried of Bulow (1882-1970)   Child
Helene of Heydebreeck (1888-1960)   Partner
Franz of Bulow (1884-1961)   Child
Ilse Koch (1890-1980)   Partner
Ernst of Bulow (1887-1949)   Child
Anna of Elbe (1896-1933)   Partner
Ernst of Bulow (1887-1949)   Child
Irmgard Mechthilde Blumroeder (1899-1990)   Partner