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Gisela of Austria (1856-1932): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Gisela of Austria (1856-1932)  at de
Leopold of Bavaria (1846-1930)  de at  Partner
Elisabeth Marie of Bavaria (1874-1957)  de ch at  Child
Otto of Seefried and Buttenheim (1870-1951)  de ch at  Partner
Augusta of Seefried and Buttenheim (1899-1978)  cz at de  Child
Adalbert of Bavaria (1886-1970)  de at  Partner
Augusta Maria Louise of Bavaria (1875-1964)  de  Child
Joseph August of Austria (1872-1962)  hu de  Partner
George of Bavaria (1880-1943)  de at it  Child
Isabella of Austria (1888-1973)  sk at ch  Partner
George of Bavaria (1880-1943)  de at it  Child
Josepha Zapletal (1880-1941)   Partner
Konrad of Bavaria (1883-1969)  de it  Child
Maria Bona of Savoy-Genoa (1896-1971)  it  Partner