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Zangolio Rodocanachi (1815-1846): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Zangolio Rodocanachi (1815-1846)  gr it
Alexander Michael Vlasto (1814-1844)  gr it  Partner
Alexandra Vlasto (1843-1908)  tr it _England  Child
Alexander Mavroianni (1846-1900)  gr it _England  Partner
Marigo Mavroianni (1863-1932)  _England  Child
Pandia Ralli (1858-1908)  _England  Partner
Marigo Mavroianni (1863-1932)  _England  Child
Andre Argenti (1863-1924)  _England  Partner