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Marigo Ralli (1830-1872): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Marigo Ralli (1830-1872)  it _England
Paul Rodocanachis (1820-1891)  gr it _England  Partner
Anastasia Rodocanachi (1852-1939)  _England fr  Child
Ambroise Vlasto (1837-1897)  it _England  Partner
John Matthew Rodocanachis (1854-1912)  _England in  Child
Nettie Eliza Clough (1871-1943)  in _England  Partner
Nancy Veronica Rodocanachi (1896-1928)  in _England  Child
Manolis Tombazis (1891-1962)  gr _England  Partner
Matthew Rodocanachis (1860-1925)  _England  Child
Argyri Vlastou (1876-)  in _England  Partner