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Aeddan ab Iasedd (970-1061): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Aeddan ab Iasedd (970-1061) 
Edryd ab Inethan (1005-1056)  _Wales  Child
Ithel ap Edryd (1021-)  _Wales  Child
Hoedliw ap Ithel (1050-)  _Wales  Child
Genilles verch Hoedliw (1077-1177)  _Wales  Child
Gronwy ab Owain (1080-1125)  _Wales  Partner
Cristin verch Gronwy (1105-1175)  _Wales  Child
Owain Gwynedd (1087-1170)  _Wales  Partner
Angharad Gwynedd (1135-1185)  _Wales  Child
Gruffydd Maelor ap Madog (1121-1191)  _Wales  Partner
Madog Maelor (1160-1236)  _Wales _England  Child
Gwladys ferch Ithel (1175-1221)  _Wales  Partner