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Gillies mac Somerled (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Gillies mac Somerled () 
nic Gillies ()   Child
Domhnall mac Raghnaill (1170-1249)  _Scotland  Partner
Angus Mór mac Donald (1248-1296)  _Scotland  Child
nic Campbell (1252-1296)  _Scotland  Partner
Angus Óg MacDonald (1272-)  _Scotland  Child
Áine Ó Catháin (1270-1368)  un ie  Partner
Fionnuala MacDonald (1318-1370)  _Scotland  Child
William III mac Hugh (1309-1372)  _Scotland  Partner
Euphemia de Ross (1345-1394)  _Scotland  Child
Walter Leslie (1321-1382)  _Scotland  Partner
Mariota Leslie (1363-1429)  _Scotland  Child
Donald of Islay (1364-)  _Scotland  Partner
Agnes MacDonald (1410-1463)  _Scotland  Child
John Stewart (1397-1463)  _Scotland  Partner
Eoin Carrach MacDonald (1326-1387)  _Scotland  Child
Margaret Stewart (1330-1410)  _Scotland  Partner
Donald of Islay (1364-)  _Scotland  Child
Mariota Leslie (1363-1429)  _Scotland  Partner
Agnes MacDonald (1410-1463)  _Scotland  Child
John Stewart (1397-1463)  _Scotland  Partner
Janet Stewart (1432-1475)  _Scotland  Child
Colin Campbell (1425-1475)  _Scotland  Partner
Isabel Stewart (1437-1510)  _Scotland  Child
Colin Campbell (1433-1493)  _Scotland  Partner