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Cainnech of Mar (960-1014): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Cainnech of Mar (960-1014)  _Scotland ie
Gille of Mar (985-)  _Scotland  Child
Ruaidrí of Mar (1020-)  _Scotland  Child
Morggán of Mar (1050-1083)  _Scotland  Child
Agnes de Warenne ()  fr _Scotland  Partner
Gille of Mar (1082-1131)  _Scotland  Child
Orabile Gillicher (1090-1125)  _Scotland  Partner
Morggan mac Gylocher (1115-1183)  _Scotland  Child
Agnes of Harcourt (1133-1170)  _England _Scotland  Partner
Alesta of Mar (1150-1182)  _Scotland  Child
Alan of Scotland (1126-1204)  _Scotland  Partner
Avelina FitzAlan (1179-1202)  _Scotland  Child
Duncan of Carrick (1174-1250)  _Scotland  Partner
Walter Stewart (1180-1241)  _Scotland  Child
Beatrice of Angus (1190-1240)  _Scotland  Partner
Dhonnchaidh of Mar (1158-1244)  _Scotland  Child
Orabella Latherisk (1185-1250)  _Scotland  Partner
Margaret of Mar (1220-)  _Scotland  Child
Henry Sinclair (1214-1270)  _Scotland  Partner
William of Mar (1222-1276)  _Scotland  Child
Elizabeth Comyn (1223-1267)  _Scotland _England  Partner