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Ruthard of Aargau (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Ruthard of Aargau () 
Henry Heimo ()   Child
Udo of Wetterau ()   Child
Gebhard of Niederlahngau (810-879)  de  Child
Berengar II of Spoleto (820-866)  it  Child
Helletrude de Lorraine (826-865)  fr  Partner
Baba of Spoleto (838-884)  it  Child
Henry I of Babenberg (833-886)  de fr  Partner
Adelinda of Babenberg (870-915)   Child
Eticho I of Ammergau (860-910)  de  Partner
Henry of Altdorf (883-934)  de  Child
Atha of Hohenwart (-975)  de  Partner
Henry of Altdorf (883-934)  de  Child