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Rorik Halfdansson (629-700): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Rorik Halfdansson (629-700)  dk
Aud the Deep-Minded (633-717)  dk  Partner
Harald Wartooth (655-735)  dk se  Child
Soelgi FitzHarold (730-762)  no  Child
Hrolfur Solgasson (762-)  no gl  Child
Hringsdóttir (766-)  no  Partner
Bjarni Gautski Hrolfsson (794-870)  no gl  Child
Hlíf Hrólfsdóttir (798-830)  no  Partner
Eivind Bjarnarsson (810-900)  se is  Child
Rafertach ingen Cearbhaill (820-848)  un is  Partner
Þuríður Eyvindardóttur (847-878)  no _Scotland is  Child
Thorstein the Red (855-888)  ie is  Partner
Gróa Þorsteinsdóttir (873-914)  _Scotland is  Child
Duncan of Caithness (871-910)  _Scotland  Partner
Þuríður Eyvindardóttur (847-878)  no _Scotland is  Child
Feargal O'Neill (851-937)  _Scotland  Partner
Duncan mac Feargal (871-925)  _Scotland  Child
Abthane of Dule (870-925)  is _Scotland  Partner
Bjorg Eyvindsdatter (848-871)  no  Child
Ulv Hoegneson (845-871)  no is  Partner
Valgerður Úlfsdóttir (870-)  is  Child
Geirþjófur Valþjófsson (870-)   Partner
Helgi Eyvindarson (-908)  ie is  Child
Þórunn Ketilsdóttir (848-865)  no is  Partner
Ingjaldsdur Faeddur (864-890)   Child
Salgerður Steinólfsdóttir (870-901)   Partner