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Rupert III of Castell (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Rupert III of Castell () 
Hedwig ()   Partner
Friedrich I of Castell ()   Child
Bertha of Henneberg ()   Partner
Hedwig of Castell ()   Child
Gottfried V of Ziegenhain ()   Partner
Gottfried of Ziegenhain (-1304)   Child
Mathilde of Hesse (-1332)   Partner
Adelaide of Ziegenhain ()   Child
Henry II of Rieneck ()   Partner
John of Rieneck ()   Child
Hedwig of Isenburg (1332-)   Partner
Ludwig XI of Rieneck ()   Child
Cunegonde of Sponheim ()   Partner
Thomas II of Rieneck (-1431)   Child
Catherine of Hanau (1408-1460)   Partner