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Elioenai Ben Neariah (274 BC-): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Elioenai Ben Neariah (274 BC-)  iq
Akkub Ben Elioenai (243 BC-180 BC)  il  Child
Salma Bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya (223 BC-)  iq  Partner
da'ud Shlomo Ben Akkub (196 BC-166 BC)   Child
Bat Akub (194 BC-)   Partner
Shlomo III ben David (167 BC-134 BC)   Child
Shemaya I Ben Shlomo (150 BC-128 BC)   Child
da'ud Shlomo Ben Akkub (196 BC-166 BC)   Child
Akkub Ben Elioenai (243 BC-180 BC)  il  Child