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Fuaram II of Djavakheti (600-): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Fuaram II of Djavakheti (600-)  ge
Waraz-Bakur of Djavakheti (630-)  ge  Child
Faraz-Bakur of Djavakheti (630-)  ge  Partner
Guaram III of Djavakheti (655-748)  ge  Child
Guaramid de Djavakhelti (710-)   Child
Vasak III of Armenia (715-772)  am  Partner
Adarnase I Bagratuni (735-761)  ge am  Child
Bint Nerse (738-786)   Partner
Ashot I Bagrationi (760-830)  ru ge  Child
Guaram III of Djavakheti (655-748)  ge  Child
Bint Vasak (680-)   Partner