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Huvishka I King of the Kushans (100-201): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Huvishka I King of the Kushans (100-201)  pk
Vasudeva I King of the Kushans (125-225)  pk  Child
Kanishka III King of the Kushans (150-215)  iq  Child
Vasudeva II King of the Kushans (170-270)  pk  Child
Vasudeva III King of Kushana (188-244)  cn  Child
Saschken des Kauchans (210-)  am  Child
Tiridates II King of Armenia (195-252)  am  Partner
Khosrov II King of Armenia (230-258)  am  Child
Olympias Aspurgiana (227-258)  tr am  Partner
Tiridates III King of Armenia (258-320)  am  Child
Aschken Princess of the Alans (260-330)   Partner
Gagratuni Bagratuni (235-297)  am  Child
bint Shemphat (245-)  eg am  Partner
Smbat I ap Gagratuni (265-314)  am  Child