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Bagrat I Bagratuni (290-353): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Bagrat I Bagratuni (290-353)  am
Smbat II Bagratuni (315-374)  am  Child
Sahak I Bagratuni (340-387)  am  Child
Smbat III Bagratuni (370-423)  am  Child
Tirots I Bagratuni (400-451)  am  Child
Sahak II Bagratuni (425-482)  am  Child
Sanpdiat I Bagratide (450-507)  am  Child
Varaztirots I Bagratuni (495-535)  am  Child
of Mamikonian (515-)  am  Partner