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Meesh Moosh (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Meesh Moosh () 
Corineus of Cornwall ()  gr _England  Child
Gwendolen verch Corineus (1130 BC-1065 BC)  _England  Child
Locrinus ap Brwt (1130 BC-1081 BC)  mu gb  Partner
Maddan ap Locrinus (-1026 BC)   Child
Mymbyr ap Madog (1060 BC-966 BC)  gb  Child
Efrawg Gadarn ap Mymbyr (1030 BC-966 BC)  gb  Child
Brutus II Darianlus (1000 BC-)  gb  Child