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Amaziah ben Josiah (823 BC-767 BC): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Amaziah ben Josiah (823 BC-767 BC)  ps il
Jecoliah bint Ahab (851 BC-800 BC)  il  Partner
Uzziah ben Amaziah King of Judah (807 BC-739 BC)  il  Child
Jerushah Bat Zadok (805 BC-748 BC)  il  Partner
Jotham ben Uzziah King of Judah (783 BC-732 BC)  il  Child
Ahia bint Azrikham Queen of Judah (780 BC-732 BC)  il  Partner
Athalia Bar Jotham (765 BC-)  sa iq  Child
Sargon II of Assyria (765 BC-)  ir iq tr  Partner
Sennacherib of Assyria (745 BC-681 BC)  iq tr  Child
Naqi'a-Zakutu ()   Partner
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat Queen of Assyria (713 BC-672 BC)  tr  Partner
Shamash Shuma Ukin of Assyria (693 BC-648 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqa de Babylon (650 BC-)  iq  Child
Nabopolassar II of Chaldea (658 BC-605 BC)  iq  Partner
Šamaš-Šum-Ukin of Assyria (691 BC-647 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqua of Assyrie (650 BC-)  sa  Child
Nabu-Shum-Lishir of Babylonia (644 BC-602 BC)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Ashursharrat Queen of Assyria (677 BC-)  iq  Partner
Adda Guppi of Assyria (648 BC-546 BC)  iq  Child
Nabu-Balatsu-Iqbi of Assyria (649 BC-)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat ()  tr  Partner
Assur-Etil-Same-Ersiti-Uballitsu ()  tr  Child
Nabu-Balat-Iqbi of Babylon (667 BC-)  sy  Child
Shuma Damqa of Assyria (669 BC-)  iq sy  Partner
Sennacherib of Assyria (745 BC-681 BC)  iq tr  Child
Tashmetu-Sharrat Queen of the Neo-Assyri... (740 BC-)  sa tr  Partner
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat Queen of Assyria (713 BC-672 BC)  tr  Partner
Shamash Shuma Ukin of Assyria (693 BC-648 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqa de Babylon (650 BC-)  iq  Child
Nabopolassar II of Chaldea (658 BC-605 BC)  iq  Partner
Šamaš-Šum-Ukin of Assyria (691 BC-647 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqua of Assyrie (650 BC-)  sa  Child
Nabu-Shum-Lishir of Babylonia (644 BC-602 BC)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Ashursharrat Queen of Assyria (677 BC-)  iq  Partner
Adda Guppi of Assyria (648 BC-546 BC)  iq  Child
Nabu-Balatsu-Iqbi of Assyria (649 BC-)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat ()  tr  Partner
Assur-Etil-Same-Ersiti-Uballitsu ()  tr  Child
Nabu-Balat-Iqbi of Babylon (667 BC-)  sy  Child
Shuma Damqa of Assyria (669 BC-)  iq sy  Partner
ac'haz Ben Joatham (763 BC-726 BC)  il  Child
Abijah bint Zechariah Na-Nimshi (755 BC-655 BC)  il  Partner
Hezekiah Bar Ahaz (739 BC-687 BC)  un  Child
Hephzibah Bat Isaiah (724 BC-640 BC)  il  Partner
Manasseh Ben Hezekiah Ha-David (710 BC-643 BC)  il  Child
Manasseh Ben Hezekiah Ha-David (710 BC-643 BC)  il  Child
Meshullemeth Bat Haroz (708 BC-608 BC)  il  Partner
Amon Ben Manasseh (675 BC-642 BC)  il  Child
Amon Ben Manasseh (675 BC-642 BC)  il  Child
Jedidah Bat Adaiah of Bokath (700 BC-648 BC)  il  Partner
Josiah Ben Amon (647 BC-608 BC)  il  Child
Zebidah Bat Pediah (655 BC-610 BC)  il  Partner
Pediah Ben Menasseh (670 BC-)  il  Child
Zebidah Bat Pediah (655 BC-610 BC)  il  Child
Josiah Ben Amon (647 BC-608 BC)  il  Partner
Yabaa Bar Uziah ()  il  Child
Teglath Phalarsh III of Assyrie ()  iq tr  Partner
Sargon II of Assyria (765 BC-)  ir iq tr  Child
Athalia Bar Jotham (765 BC-)  sa iq  Partner
Sennacherib of Assyria (745 BC-681 BC)  iq tr  Child
Naqi'a-Zakutu ()   Partner
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat Queen of Assyria (713 BC-672 BC)  tr  Partner
Shamash Shuma Ukin of Assyria (693 BC-648 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqa de Babylon (650 BC-)  iq  Child
Nabopolassar II of Chaldea (658 BC-605 BC)  iq  Partner
Šamaš-Šum-Ukin of Assyria (691 BC-647 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqua of Assyrie (650 BC-)  sa  Child
Nabu-Shum-Lishir of Babylonia (644 BC-602 BC)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Ashursharrat Queen of Assyria (677 BC-)  iq  Partner
Adda Guppi of Assyria (648 BC-546 BC)  iq  Child
Nabu-Balatsu-Iqbi of Assyria (649 BC-)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat ()  tr  Partner
Assur-Etil-Same-Ersiti-Uballitsu ()  tr  Child
Nabu-Balat-Iqbi of Babylon (667 BC-)  sy  Child
Shuma Damqa of Assyria (669 BC-)  iq sy  Partner
Sennacherib of Assyria (745 BC-681 BC)  iq tr  Child
Tashmetu-Sharrat Queen of the Neo-Assyri... (740 BC-)  sa tr  Partner
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat Queen of Assyria (713 BC-672 BC)  tr  Partner
Shamash Shuma Ukin of Assyria (693 BC-648 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqa de Babylon (650 BC-)  iq  Child
Nabopolassar II of Chaldea (658 BC-605 BC)  iq  Partner
Šamaš-Šum-Ukin of Assyria (691 BC-647 BC)  iq  Child
Shuadamqua of Assyrie (650 BC-)  sa  Child
Nabu-Shum-Lishir of Babylonia (644 BC-602 BC)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Ashursharrat Queen of Assyria (677 BC-)  iq  Partner
Adda Guppi of Assyria (648 BC-546 BC)  iq  Child
Nabu-Balatsu-Iqbi of Assyria (649 BC-)  iq  Partner
Ashurbanipal II King of Assyria (687 BC-626 BC)  tr  Child
Esarhaddun King of Assyria (715 BC-)  tr  Child
Ashur-Hamat ()  tr  Partner
Assur-Etil-Same-Ersiti-Uballitsu ()  tr  Child
Nabu-Balat-Iqbi of Babylon (667 BC-)  sy  Child
Shuma Damqa of Assyria (669 BC-)  iq sy  Partner