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Puella Aelii Tuberones (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Puella Aelii Tuberones () 
Marius Meric Meirig ap Gweirydd (35-115)   Partner
Coel I Coilus King of Britain (85-170)   Child
Lucius Lleuver Mawr King of Britons (139-181)  _England  Child
Gladys verch Eurgen (160-237)   Partner
Cadwalladr Cadvan Britain Mawr (180-260)  _England it  Child
Gladys verch Lleuvar Mauwr (178-220)  _England it  Partner
Frigg verch Cadwaldr (219-250)  no nl  Child
Odin King of Asgard (215-300)  no  Partner
Baeldaeg of Lethra (243-300)  se  Child
Nanna Gewar of Norway ()  dk se  Partner
Brand King of Saxony (271-360)  de  Child
Bronde of Thuringia (275-350)  no de  Partner