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Lauri Olkonen (1775-1842): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Lauri Olkonen (1775-1842)  fi
Anna Stina Pennanen (1783-1846)  fi  Partner
Emanuel Sarviranta (1817-1866)  fi  Child
Susanna Pesonen (1818-1891)   Partner
Israel Kangasharju (1852-)   Child
Louisa Soederlund (1854-1894)  fi  Partner
Ida Kangasharju (1883-1969)  fi  Child
Albert Andrew Andrew Ahonen (1886-1960)  fi us  Partner
Ida Kangasharju (1883-1969)  fi  Child
Albert Andrew Andrew Ahonen (1886-1960)  fi us  Partner