Vilhelm 1st Lord av Norbury FitzHerbert
Vilhelm 1st Lord av Norbury Herbertsson
Vilhelm 1st Lord av Norbury Herbertsson FitzHerbert
Vilhelm FitzHerbert
Vilhelm Herbertsson
Vilhelm Herbertsson FitzHerbert
William 1st Lord av Norbury FitzHerbert
William 1st Lord av Norbury Herbertsson
William 1st Lord av Norbury Herbertsson FitzHerbert
William 1st Lord of Norbury FitzHerbert
William 1st Lord of Norbury Herbertsson
William 1st Lord of Norbury Herbertsson FitzHerbert
William FitzHerbert
William Herbertsson
William Herbertsson FitzHerbert