Имя варианта
Роберт I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth Marmion
Роберт I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth де Marmion
Роберт I Marmion
Роберт I де Marmion
Robert I ap Robert
Robert I ap Robert de Marmion
Robert I de Marmion
Robert I FitzRobert
Robert I FitzRobert de Marmion
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth ap Robert
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth ap Robert de Marmion
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth de Marmion
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth FitzRobert
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth FitzRobert de Marmion
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth Marmion
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth Robertsson
Robert I Lord of Scrivesby and Tamworth Robertsson de Marmion
Robert I Marmion
Robert I Robertsson
Robert I Robertsson de Marmion