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Athanaric II of de Visigoten (318-381): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Athanaric II of de Visigoten (318-381)  ro
Aella Galla (320-)  it  Partner
Alaric I King of the Visigoths (370-410)  ro it  Child
Dietlinde Balthes of the Visigoths (345-411)  fr  Partner
Theodoric I King of the Riparian Franks (401-451)  es fr  Child
Flavia Valiana Amalaberge Visigoda (400-)  es  Partner
Euric Balthis (430-484)  fr  Child
Alaric II King of the Visigoths (458-507)  es fr  Child
Theodogotha of the Ostrogoths (475-526)  es  Partner
Amalric King of the Visigoths (502-531)  fr es  Child
Chlotilde of Neustria (497-531)  fr  Partner
Athanagild King of the Visigoths (517-567)  es  Child
Goswinthe Queen of the Visigoths (520-589)  es  Partner
Brunechilde verch Athangild (545-613)  es fr  Child
Merovech de Neustria (550-577)  fr  Partner