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Dui Tenga Uma (420-500): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Dui Tenga Uma (420-500)  _Scotland ie
Dauí Tenga Uma mac Brión (440-500)  ie _Scotland  Partner
Duinseach ingen Duach (448-)   Child
Muirchertach MacMuiredaig (466-534)  ie  Partner
Donald Ilchealgach MacMuirchertach (480-561)  ie  Child
Brigid ingen Eircc (500-)  _Northern-Ireland ie  Partner
Áed Uaridnach MacDomnall (530-612)  ie  Child
Máel Fithrich mac Aedo (590-630)  ie _Northern-Ireland  Child
Cacht nic Muiredaig (595-655)  ie  Partner
Máel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich (625-)  _Northern-Ireland  Child
Cacht ingen Cellaig (625-)  ie  Partner
Fergal mac Maele Duin (660-722)  ie  Child
Athiochta ingen Cian (685-)  ie  Partner
Niall Frossach mac Fergail (718-778)  _Northern-Ireland _Scotland  Child
Dunlaith ingen Flaithbertaich (729-798)   Partner