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Seraphin II of Taxis (1538-1582): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Seraphin II of Taxis (1538-1582)  de
Genoveva of Taxis (-1628)   Child
Lamoral of Taxis (1557-1624)  be  Partner
Leonhard II of Taxis (1594-1628)  be cz  Child
Alexandrine de Rye (1589-1666)  be  Partner
Lamoral Claudius of Thurn and Taxis (1621-1676)  be  Child
Anna Francisca Eugenia of Horn (-1693)   Partner
Eugene Alexander of Thurn and Taxis (1652-1714)  be at de  Child
Anna Adelaide of Fürstenberg (1659-1701)  de at be  Partner
Anselm Franz of Thurn and Taxis (1681-1739)  be  Child
Maria Ludovika Anna of Lobkowicz (1683-1750)  de  Partner
Maria Augusta of Thurn and Taxis (1706-1756)  de  Child
Karl Alexander of Württemberg (1684-1737)  de  Partner
Friedrich Eugene of Württemberg (1732-1797)  de  Child
Anne Clementine Claremantrand ()   Partner
Friedrich Eugene of Württemberg (1732-1797)  de  Child
Friederike Dorothea Sophia of Brandenbur... (1736-1798)  de  Partner