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Andere Orte

Atlantischer Ozean Atlantischer Ozean

Judäa und Samaria Judäa und Samaria

Westjordanland Westjordanland

Crimea Crimea

Nordsee Nordsee

Siiro Siiro

Unbekannt Unbekannt

Famagusta Famagusta

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Gazastreifen Gazastreifen

Nablus Nablus

District of Pristina District of Pristina

Pazifischer Ozean Pazifischer Ozean

Yalta Yalta

Jericho Jericho

Zvečan Zvečan, Gemeinde Mitrovica, District of Kosovska Mitrovica

Yalta City Council Yalta City Council, Bakhchysarais'kyi district, Crimea

Haapajoki Haapajoki

Sevastopol Sevastopol, Sevastopol' city, Sevastopol' city

Sevastopol' city Sevastopol' city, Sevastopol' city

Sevastopol' city Sevastopol' city

Ärmelkanal Ärmelkanal

District of Kosovska Mitrovica District of Kosovska Mitrovica

Ut'os Ut'os, Crimea

Haspra Haspra

Usedom Usedom

Bakhchysarais'kyi district Bakhchysarais'kyi district, Crimea

Ostsee Ostsee

Irische See Irische See

Iberische Halbinsel Iberische Halbinsel

Taiwan Strait Taiwan Strait

Rotes Meer Rotes Meer

Karpaten Karpaten

Alupka Alupka

Gemeinde Mitrovica Gemeinde Mitrovica, District of Kosovska Mitrovica

Java Sea Java Sea

Bethlehem Bethlehem

Golf von Mexiko Golf von Mexiko

Beringmeer Beringmeer

Mittelmeer Mittelmeer

Weißes Meer Weißes Meer

Livadiya Livadiya, Yalta City Council, Bakhchysarais'kyi district, Crimea

Novobërdë Novobërdë, District of Pristina

Fushë Kosovë Fushë Kosovë, District of Pristina

Surda Surda

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